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What is Threat Intelligence? Beginner’s Guide

Threat intelligence, or cyber threat intelligence (CTI), is specialized data that offers insights about cybersecurity threats faced by an organization. Its main goal is to facilitate proactive defense strategies, ensuring potential threats are addressed even before they manifest.

The primary aim of threat intelligence is to empower organizations with knowledge, allowing them to pre-emptively deal with cyber threats, detect ongoing attacks, and effectively respond to security incidents.

The process of generating threat intelligence involves:

  • Gathering raw data from multiple sources.
  • Correlating and analyzing the data to identify patterns, trends, and relationships.
  • Providing insights on potential or ongoing threats.

Good threat intelligence is:

  • Organization-Specific: It is tailor-made to address vulnerabilities in a specific organization's infrastructure and network.
  • Detailed and Contextual: It delves deep into the nature of the threat, the possible threat actors, their modus operandi (TTPs), and potential signs of a breach (IoCs).
  • Actionable: Instead of just being informative, it offers actionable insights that security teams can directly implement to fortify their defenses.

As per the IBM report, In 2023, the worldwide average expense of a data breach rose to USD 4.45 million, marking a 15% growth from the previous three years.

A major part of this cost comes from the detection and escalation phases. Cyber threat intelligence can significantly reduce these costs by enabling swift detection, thus potentially saving organizations millions of dollars.

Cyber threat intelligence is a critical aspect of modern cybersecurity, acting as an early warning system. By understanding potential adversaries and their methods, organizations can not only shield themselves more effectively but also navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape with more confidence and clarity.

Types of Threat Intelligence

types of threat intelligence

Threat intelligence can be categorized based on its focus, detail level, or applicability. Here are the primary types of threat intelligence:

  1. Strategic Threat Intelligence
  2. Tactical Threat Intelligence
  3. Operational Threat Intelligence
  4. Technical Threat Intelligence

Strategic Threat Intelligence

  • Overview: High-level information is often intended for organizational leadership. It focuses on broader trends, motives, and intentions behind cyber threats.
  • Audience: Executives, higher management, and decision-makers.

Tactical Threat Intelligence

  • Overview: Detailed technical information such as indicators of compromise (IoCs) like IP addresses, malware hashes, and URLs.
  • Audience: Front-line defenders like security analysts and IT professionals.

Operational Threat Intelligence

  • Overview: Provides insights into the methods, tactics, and objectives of specific cyber-attack campaigns. It can include details about a particular adversary’s modus operandi or a specific threat's lifecycle.
  • Audience: Incident response teams and threat hunters.

Technical Threat Intelligence

  • Overview: Focuses on the immediate technical details of a threat, such as specific malware functions, communication protocols, or vulnerabilities exploited.
  • Audience: Network defenders, SOC (Security Operations Center) analysts, and penetration testers.

Additionally, based on the sources, threat intelligence can also be categorized as:

Open-source Intelligence (OSINT): Information derived from publicly available sources.

Commercial Intelligence: Information obtained from paid services specializing in collecting, analyzing, and delivering tailored threat intelligence.

Closed/Proprietary Intelligence: Exclusive data gathered from specific organizations or industries, not available to the general public.

Human Intelligence (HUMINT): Intelligence gathered from human sources, which might involve undercover operations, insider threat reports, or informants.

Indicator of Compromise (IoC)-based Intelligence: Focuses on specific data points like IP addresses, domain names, or malware hashes that indicate a breach or compromise.

Each type of threat intelligence serves a distinct purpose and audience, ensuring a holistic understanding of the threat landscape and facilitating informed decisions at all levels of an organization.

Why is Threat Intelligence important?

why is threat intelligence important

Threat intelligence is pivotal in the realm of cybersecurity for several reasons:

  • Proactive Defense

Instead of adopting a reactive approach, threat intelligence enables organizations to anticipate and prepare for potential threats, bolstering their defenses before an attack materializes.

  • Informed Decision Making

With insights about the latest tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of adversaries, security professionals can prioritize and allocate resources more effectively, enhancing the overall security posture.

  • Reduced Response Time

Knowing the modus operandi of potential threats allows incident response teams to act swiftly when an incident occurs, minimizing potential damage and downtime.

  • Enhanced Risk Management

Understanding the threat landscape helps organizations assess and prioritize risks, thereby guiding investment decisions, policy-making, and strategic planning in the cybersecurity domain.

  • Improved Stakeholder Communication

When organizational leadership is informed about potential threats and their implications, they can make well-informed decisions about investments, public disclosures, and strategic initiatives.

  • Tailored Security Measures

By understanding specific adversaries and their objectives, organizations can design and implement security measures that directly counteract those threats rather than relying on generic solutions.

  • Collaboration and Information Sharing

Threat intelligence fosters collaboration within the cybersecurity community. By sharing insights and data on emerging threats, collective defenses across industries and sectors are strengthened.

Also read: Leading Cybersecurity Events

  • Regulatory Compliance

Many industries now mandate the use of threat intelligence as part of regulatory compliance. Leveraging threat intelligence can help organizations meet these requirements while also improving their security posture.

Suggested reading: Popular Compliance Frameworks

  • Cost-Efficiency

By understanding and acting on relevant threats, organizations can potentially avoid the hefty costs associated with data breaches, system downtimes, and reputational damage.

Who Benefits from Threat Intelligence?

Threat intelligence offers value across various roles and sectors. Here's a breakdown of who benefits from it:

Security Professionals

  • Security Analysts: Receive detailed insights to detect and analyze threats in real-time.
  • Incident Responders: Can react faster to security incidents, understanding the context and scope of an attack.
  • Threat Hunters: Proactively search for signs of malicious activities within networks using intelligence about adversaries' TTPs.

IT Teams

  • System Administrators: Prioritize patching based on threat intelligence highlighting the most exploited vulnerabilities.
  • Network Engineers: Can design and modify network defenses based on intelligence about potential threats.

Organizational Leadership

  • Executives and Decision-Makers: Receive strategic intelligence to understand broader cyber threat trends and their potential business impact, guiding investment and strategic decisions.
  • Risk Management Teams: Leverage intelligence to assess, prioritize, and mitigate cybersecurity risks.


  • While they might not directly interact with threat intelligence, awareness campaigns informed by intelligence can educate end-users on emerging threats, like phishing campaigns, enhancing the human firewall.

Product Development Teams

  • Software Developers: Gain insights into vulnerabilities being exploited in similar products or platforms, leading to more secure coding practices.
  • QA Teams: Can integrate threat intelligence into testing scenarios to ensure products are resilient against known threats.

Regulatory and Compliance Bodies

  • Utilize threat intelligence to shape cybersecurity standards and guidelines, ensuring industries adopt robust defenses against contemporary threats.

Law Enforcement and Governmental Agencies

  • Use intelligence to understand cybercrime trends, track down cybercriminals, and anticipate nation-state activities.

Cybersecurity Vendors and Researchers

  • Rely on threat intelligence to develop new security products, refine existing tools, and publish research on emerging threats.

Sectors at High Risk

  • Industries like finance, healthcare, and critical infrastructure often have a vested interest in threat intelligence due to the high stakes involved in potential breaches.

Also read: Cybersecurity in Finance

Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs)

  • Utilize threat intelligence to enhance the services they offer to their clients, ensuring they are defending against the most pertinent and emerging threats.

Threat Intelligence Lifecycle

The threat intelligence lifecycle is a structured process that ensures the consistent and effective generation, dissemination, and application of threat intelligence. Here's a breakdown of the phases in the threat intelligence lifecycle:

Phase 1. Planning and Direction

Description: This phase involves understanding and defining the requirements for the threat intelligence. It requires aligning with organizational goals, identifying critical assets, understanding the current threat landscape, and setting priorities.

Output: Clear guidelines and objectives for the threat intelligence initiative.

Phase 2. Collection

Description: Raw data and information are gathered from multiple sources, both internal and external. Sources can include open-source intelligence (OSINT), commercial threat feeds, internal logs, dark web forums, and more.

Output: A repository of raw, unfiltered data from diverse sources.

cyber threat intelligence

Phase 3. Processing

Description: This phase involves converting the raw data into a structured format, filtering out noise, and ensuring the data is relevant and actionable. Automated tools can assist in sifting through large datasets.

Output: Structured and cleaned data ready for analysis.

Phase 4. Analysis

Description: Here, the processed data is reviewed to derive insights. Analysts identify patterns, trends, and anomalies, understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of adversaries and correlating data to provide context.

Output: Detailed reports and actionable threat intelligence with context.

Phase 5. Dissemination and Integration

Description: The analyzed intelligence is then shared with relevant stakeholders, which could be internal teams, upper management, or even external partners. Moreover, it can be integrated into various security tools to enhance their capabilities.

Output: Alerts, briefings, threat bulletins, and automatic updates to security tools.

Phase 6. Feedback

Description: Feedback loops ensure the process is continuously refined after the intelligence is disseminated and acted upon. This can involve reassessing the relevance of intelligence, identifying gaps, and fine-tuning collection or analysis methods.

Output: Recommendations and improvements for future iterations of the lifecycle.

Phase 7. Action

Description: Armed with specific threat intelligence, security teams take appropriate actions. This could involve patching vulnerabilities, enhancing monitoring, or implementing new security controls.

Output: A more secure and resilient organization with reduced risks.

Throughout this lifecycle, the cyclical nature of these phases emphasizes the continuous need for refining and updating threat intelligence processes, ensuring they remain relevant and effective as the threat landscape evolves.

Reducing The Third-Party Risk Through Threat Intelligence

In the digital age, as organizations shift data and operations to the cloud, they're gaining efficiency but also exposing themselves to new vulnerabilities. Now, an organization's cybersecurity is not just about its internal defenses but also encompasses the security practices of its external partners, including suppliers and vendors.

Organizations face over $28 million in SaaS data breach risk on average. (third-party data breach statistics)

Traditional third-party risk management methods, such as financial audits or security certificate checks, although essential, can sometimes fall short of providing a real-time understanding of threats. This gap emphasizes the importance of threat intelligence. SaaS security tools like Resmo offers real-time insights into the threat landscapes of third-party associates, giving organizations the necessary context to manage their external affiliations proactively. This not only identifies potential vulnerabilities but also ensures a comprehensive cybersecurity posture.

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