SaaS Offboarding

Maintain the security of your SaaS platforms and data during the critical process of employee offboarding, ensuring safety and integrity regardless of personnel changes.

Automate SaaS offboarding

Automate SaaS offboarding

Embrace automation for secure offboarding within your SaaS environment. Identify exiting users, revoking their access automatically or enabling manual initiation when necessary.

Identify access to all apps

Mitigate security risks by ensuring that departing employees no longer has access to your SaaS applications, even the ones that aren't tied to employee email addresses like GitHub or Bitbucket repositories.

Identify access to all apps
number of SaaS apps used per 1,000 employees on average.
of company software use is SaaS applications.
of cloud incidents are due to security misconfigurations.
Ensure complete visibility of every asset linked to an employee

Ensure complete visibility of every asset linked to an employee

This process aids in identifying remnants like third-party apps installed by the user, or API keys associated with crucial systems. These elements will be revoked once an employee departs, ensuring no critical loopholes are left unattended, thereby bolstering the overall security of your SaaS environment.

Leverage user deprovisioning

Implement user deprovisioning for secure employee offboarding from your SaaS applications.This practice, which includes revoking the access rights of exiting employees, effectively mitigates potential security vulnerabilities.

Leverage user deprovisioning
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