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Single-Sign-On (SSO) Best Practices

Imagine the convenience if, instead of repeatedly providing your credentials at every digital doorstep, you were recognized effortlessly, gaining swift and secure entry. This is the essence of Single Sign-On (SSO) – a digital gatekeeper that liberates users from the relentless burden of passwords. In this era of SaaS tools, where seamless and secure user management is crucial, SSO emerges as a key component for efficient authentication.

What is Single-Sign-On (SSO)?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a powerful authentication system that allows users to access multiple applications using a single set of credentials. Instead of managing multiple usernames and passwords for different tools, users only need to log in once, and SSO takes care of the rest.

As 60-70% of organizations are either adopting or planning to implement SSO, it is essential to understand its mechanism and implement the best practices to ensure seamless security and access control.

SSO statistics

How does SSO Work?

When organizations begin considering the implementation of SSO, they are likely to come across two methods - identity-initiated SSO and service provider-initiated SSO. Identity provider-initiated single sign-on utilizes an identity-as-a-service provider (IdP) to verify an authenticated user's access to an application.

Service provider-initiated SSO, on the other hand, reverses this scenario - a service provider requests authentication from an identity provider to verify an authenticated user's access to an application. Therefore, the usual flow of how SSO works involves the above steps.

  • Initial Access Request: When a user attempts to access a service provider (SP), a token request is sent to the SSO system (Identity Provider, IdP).
An Identity Provider (IdP) is a trusted entity or service that authenticates and vouches for the identities of users, employees, or customers within an organization or online platform.
  • Authentication Check: The IdP checks if the user has already been authenticated. If yes, the user is granted access without further steps.
  • Credential Request: If the user isn't pre-authenticated, the IdP requests credentials (username/password or OTP).
A One Time Password/Pin (OTP) is a unique string of characters that is generated automatically to verify a user's identity for a single login session or transaction.
  • Credential Verification: Upon receiving credentials, the IdP verifies them against its database.
  • Token Issuance: Once authenticated, the IdP issues a confirmation token to the user.
  • Token Validation: The SP validates this token, relying on the trust relationship established during configuration.
  • Access Granted: The user is granted access to the SP, completing the SSO authentication cycle.
How does SSO work

SSO Best Practices

Enforce Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) within Single Sign-On (SSO) systems is not a simple task of just assigning roles to users. It involves creating a dynamic environment where access privileges are aligned with each user's current responsibilities and job functions. Achieving this requires a careful analysis of organizational roles and the corresponding access each role requires. It is also crucial to regularly update and review these roles to ensure they reflect any changes in the organization or individual job functions. 

Suggested Reading: Introducing RBAC Management

Moreover, implementing segregation of duties within these roles is essential to minimize conflicts and security risks, thereby strengthening the system against both internal and external threats.

Implement MFA

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an essential layer of security that provides more than just an additional step in the authentication process. It should be designed to be a seamless yet robust layer of security. MFA incorporates various authentication factors, such as biometrics, mobile devices, and hardware tokens, to enhance security while also catering to user convenience. However, the key to effective MFA is balancing security with user experience. MFA should be stringent enough to deter unauthorized access but user-friendly enough to encourage widespread adoption. 

To ensure the effectiveness of the MFA system against evolving security threats, it is crucial to keep it up-to-date and monitor it regularly to ensure proper implementation by company users.

Adopt Effective User Session Management Policies

Effective session management in Single Sign-On (SSO) involves more than just setting timeouts. It requires a nuanced approach that considers user activity and associated risks.

For example, implementing intelligent session timeouts that adapt based on the user's behavior and the sensitivity of the accessed data can significantly enhance security. Leveraging machine learning algorithms to detect and respond to abnormal session patterns adds an additional layer of protection, allowing for real-time response to potential security breaches. Moreover, enabling users to manage their active sessions increases transparency and trust in the system.

Centralize Identity Management Strategy

Centralizing identity management under Single Sign-On (SSO) streamlines the entire process of user account management. This unified approach not only simplifies administrative tasks but also provides valuable insights into user activities and access patterns through centralized reporting. This system must be flexible enough to accommodate the dynamic nature of user access, especially while handling user transitions such as onboarding and offboarding. This centralization not only enhances operational efficiency but also plays a significant role in maintaining a secure IT environment.

Monitor Activities in Real-time

Real-time monitoring is critical in overseeing all user activities to catch any unusual patterns. By utilizing advanced analytics, organizations can gain a better understanding of user behavior, which can help them identify potential security threats before they become serious. 

It is also essential to set up alerts for unusual activities, such as repeated login failures or access from unfamiliar locations, to ensure quick and effective responses to potential security incidents.

Suggested Reading: Audit Logging in Resmo

Adherence to Secure Protocols and Standards

Data breaches have become increasingly common, which makes it all the more important for organizations to adhere to secure protocols and standards. This involves ensuring compliance with the latest encryption standards for data both at rest and in transit. 

It is crucial to conduct regular reviews and updates of disaster recovery plans and business continuity strategies to ensure that the organization can quickly recover from any security incidents. 

Additionally, meticulous validation of SSL certificates is necessary to prevent sophisticated cyber attacks such as man-in-the-middle attacks.


Single Sign-On (SSO) is not just a convenient feature, but it is also a crucial element of modern cybersecurity strategies. By carefully understanding its complexities and following best practices, organizations can improve their operational security and efficiency. 

When implemented with proper planning and continuous refinement, SSO adoption can lead to a secure, efficient, and user-friendly digital ecosystem.


What is the strategy for SSO?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an identity management solution that allows users to access multiple applications with a single set of login credentials. SSO eliminates the need for users to remember and enter separate usernames and passwords for each application, streamlining the login process and saving time. This solution also helps to enhance security by reducing the likelihood of weak or reused passwords.

What are the SSO standards?

SSO protocols define how authentication and authorization are performed between different apps. OpenID Connect (OIDC) and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) are the most commonly used protocols. 

Can SSO replace MFA?

MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) and SSO (Single Sign-On) are not mutually exclusive and should be used together. Combining both provides a more secure and streamlined login experience. By adding an extra layer of security with MFA, SSO logins are further protected from potential attacks.

What is most important to consider when implementing SSO?

When implementing single sign-on (SSO), it is essential to prioritize security and offer a user-friendly experience. Integration with applications, accurate user data, proper access control, robust monitoring, and regulatory compliance are also crucial.

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