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Resmo Rewind: The Best of 2023

As we stand at the threshold of a brand new year, our hearts pulsating with excitement, let's take a whimsical walk down memory lane. The Resmo team has navigated this year with a seamless blend of hard work and high spirits, sculpting a period that's been spectacular in every sense!

A Year of Celebratory Spirit

Did you know? The average Resmo team member really enjoys cake, eating about 14 slices on average! That's right, nearly two whole cakes per year, fueling our boundless energy and relentless spirit. But why stop at cake? Our gastronomic adventures extended to pizzas, a symphony of drinks, and the rich, aromatic delights of Turkish cuisine. We're not just tech wizards; we're explorers with a zest for flavor!

Resmo Team Retreat Dinner

Innovation Unleashed: The Resmo Hackathon

2023 saw us hosting our very own internal hackathon, a battleground of brilliance where three teams clashed with ideas so innovative, they might just be the next big thing in your Resmo experience. Stay tuned!

Resmo internal hackathon

Wanderers of Inspiration: Conferences and Summits

Our thirst for knowledge set our course across the globe. We really enjoyed connecting with peers and partners at AWS Community Day Turkey, got some insightful deep dives at the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, and AWS re:Invent was an amazing experience with lots of interesting latest topics to discuss. Each event was a stepping stone to greater heights of understanding and connection.

For further insights, you may have a look into our detailed recaps for a taste of these adventures:

Resmo AWS Community Day

Always in Connect with Industry Experts: Resmo Webinars

Throughout 2023, Resmo has been committed to bringing you closer to the core of the industry with our captivating webinar series. Each session has provided a unique chance to connect with top experts, giving insights into the latest trends, technologies, and knowledge shaping the sector.

We've tackled a broad range of topics in our webinars, where we've featured esteemed speakers from across the tech landscape, each offering their distinct viewpoint and specialized knowledge.

Missed some of our webinars? Here are a few highlights:

For more insightful sessions like these, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Resmo Style: Our Team Retreat

Who says all work and no play? Definitely not us at Resmo! We retreated to a remarkable place, immersing ourselves in nature with trekking, mesmerizing views, ATV tour adventures, and enjoying Turkish-style barbecues. It was a refreshing escape, recharging us the Resmo way!

Resmo Team Retreat

The Unseen Heroes: Our Furry Companions

Our team's spirit extends beyond humans to include our beloved pets. These furry companions don't just fill our lives with joy but also inspire us to stride further in our endeavors. They're an integral part of the Resmo family, often stealing the spotlight with their charming playfulness!

Resmo Pet Friends

Cheers to the New Year!

As we bid adieu to 2023, we gathered with our team and their families, celebrating with retrospectives filled with laughter and stories. Though we were too engaging in the fun to snap many pictures, we managed to capture a gem that encapsulates the spirit of our gathering!

Resmo New Year Dinner

Stepping into 2024: With Dreams and Drive!

As we march into 2024, we carry with us a spirit of exploration, a legacy of achievements, and the warm camaraderie of our Resmo family. We're poised for a year of exponential growth, unbridled happiness, and collective triumph. Let's embark on this journey together and sculpt a year that's even more memorable!

Warmest regards -Team Resmo 💙

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