Take device security a step further

Resmo collects your Kandji resources like users, devices, and blueprints into an asset inventory, so you can monitor changes over time, resource details, and configurations in real-time. Query complex security questions, set up automated security and compliance checks; guarantee peace of mind.
Continuous Audit History
Resource and Config Discovery
Security Analysis and Alerts

Streamline Device Management

Boost your organization's security posture by closely monitoring macOS, iOS, and tvOS devices. Gain essential insights into the security configurations of these devices, including blueprints and user assignments, to ensure compliance with stringent security protocols and safeguard your digital infrastructure.

saas inventory
saas security policies

Automate Risk Assessments

Easily monitor your devices for security, using Resmo's policies that runs frequent security checks. Keep track of details like software versions and user-device connections, ensuring everything remains secure and protected.

Get Immediate Security Alerts for Devices

Receive instant notifications for any security-relevant changes in your devices. Be it a new device enrollment, user assignment updates, or status alterations, these alerts enable quick action to maintain a secure environment.

saas security alerts
cloud security audit logs

Ensure Detailed Incident Investigations

Maintain a comprehensive view of your device activities with detailed logs. These records are invaluable for tracking security-related changes, managing incidents, and ensuring your device management practices are secure.

Explore all resources from a unified view.

Managing SaaS security can easily become a challenge. Skip the challenges with Resmo by bringing all resources together on a single page. Discover users, groups, teams, escalations, and many other resources with their change histories.
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Resmo resources page

All key resources. Collected in near real time.

  • User
  • Device
  • Blueprint
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All resources and counting
Questions and rule checks
Resmo icon

Kandji Integration with Resmo

Kandji is a next-generation platform for centrally managing and securing your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV devices. It saves IT teams time and effort with features like one-click compliance templates, pre-built automation, and extensive third-party integrations.

Resmo's integration with Kandji provides a granular view of your Apple device landscape, enabling streamlined device management and robust security governance. With comprehensive device tracking and detailed device information, you can strategically plan for and respond to changes in your device ecosystem.

Key features:

  • Identify devices enrolled in specific blueprints and provides their configuration details
  • Track the number of devices missing or removed from the system, including their associated blueprints
  • Provide detailed hardware and software information for each device, including model, OS version, and installed profiles
  • Detail user assignments for each device, identifying which users are archived
  • Report on device parameter configurations and identifies which devices have the Kandji Agent installed

Secure your growth. Know what is happening on SaaS and Cloud.

“If you are running a modern business on SaaS you need to check out Resmo for asset management. It's life changing. You can query users and assets over all major SaaS providers."

Daniel Grzelak, CISO at Linktree

We change the way modern teams do security.

Let us show you how.