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Introducing SaaS User Management: More than Just Provisioning

We're thrilled to share some big news with you! Resmo is rolling out an exceptional new feature that's set to transform how businesses manage their SaaS applications. Say hello to a centralized system for both provisioning and deprovisioning - a true game-changer to IT teams’ SaaS user management processes. 🎉

It streamlines a typically complex and time-consuming task, offering a single, secure, and highly efficient solution for managing user access across your SaaS applications. From seamlessly integrating new employees, fine-tuning access privileges, to ensuring a secure and orderly offboarding, this feature is your new go-to, designed to make your user management tasks easier, your operations smoother, and your data more secure.

So, what’s user provisioning, you ask? Let’s start with that.

Understanding Provisioning and Deprovisioning Users

49% of companies have at least one staff member with access rights that go beyond what their job responsibilities require.

Provisioning: The Foundation of User Access

SaaS user provisoning

Provisioning in SaaS is the process of granting access and resources to new users. It involves the creation of user accounts and the careful assignment of access levels and permissions. This step is crucial in ensuring that users are equipped with the necessary tools and access rights to fulfill their roles efficiently.

Effective provisioning requires a thorough understanding of organizational roles and the specific functionalities users need from their SaaS applications. It's a strategic process, aimed at optimizing productivity while safeguarding against excessive access that could pose security risks.

Deprovisioning: Maintaining Security Through Controlled Access

SaaS user deprovisioning

Conversely, deprovisioning involves the removal or restriction of user access. This process is typically initiated when a user no longer requires access to the SaaS application, whether due to role changes, termination of employment, or other organizational shifts.

Deprovisioning is critical for maintaining the security integrity of an organization's data. It ensures that only current and authorized users have access to sensitive information and systems. Efficient deprovisioning prevents potential data breaches and unauthorized access.

Impact on Offboarding Procedures

As organizations evolve and personnel changes occur, offboarding becomes an essential aspect of managing SaaS applications. The impact of effective provisioning and deprovisioning on offboarding procedures cannot be overstated. Let's explore how these processes influence and affect the offboarding experience.

Efficient and Secure User Offboarding

Removing departing employees’ user access

Offboarding, the process of managing the departure of employees, is a critical phase in the employee lifecycle and SaaS management. It involves revoking access to company resources, including SaaS applications. Here, deprovisioning plays a pivotal role. By efficiently removing user access, organizations can prevent potential security breaches and ensure a smooth transition.

Comprehensive Account and Data Management

Transferring account ownership

A key element of offboarding is ensuring that all user data and accounts are managed appropriately. This includes transferring ownership of documents, data, or projects to other team members and ensuring no critical information is lost in the transition. Effective provisioning and deprovisioning processes enable a seamless transfer, safeguarding both the departing user's and the company's interests.

Manual Deprovisioning vs Resmo’s Approach

Manual Deprovisioning vs Resmo’s Approach table of comparison

User Provisioning on Resmo

Resmo offers an innovative and efficient solution for user provisioning, addressing key challenges in SaaS application management. Let's explore how Resmo simplifies the provisioning process, focusing on identifying unused accounts, centralized deprovisioning in response to vulnerabilities, and streamlining offboarding.

1. Identifying and Cleaning Up Unused Accounts

Often, organizations struggle with account sprawl, where unused or rarely used accounts remain active, posing potential security risks and contributing to unnecessary costs.

  • Pinpoint inactive accounts across various SaaS platforms.
  • Clean up these accounts in a single place. 

This not only enhances security by reducing the attack surface but also aids in cost optimization by eliminating unnecessary licenses.

2. Centralized Deprovisioning

SaaS user management

The ability to centrally deprovision user accounts is another significant advantage of Resmo. In the event of detecting a vulnerability or a security breach, quick action is essential.

  • Quick Response to Vulnerabilities: With Resmo, IT administrators can rapidly revoke access from a centralized dashboard. This swift response is key in mitigating risks associated with compromised accounts.
  • Single Point of Control: Get a clear overview of user access across different SaaS applications, allowing for better control and management of user permissions.

3. Streamlining the Offboarding Process

SaaS user offboarding

Offboarding is a critical aspect of user provisioning, involving the revocation of access when an employee leaves or changes roles within the organization. Resmo simplifies this process through a series of well-organized steps:

  • Step 1 - Review and Revoke Permissions: Start by reviewing critical OAuth and admin-level permissions. This step ensures that revoking access does not unintentionally disrupt essential services.
  • Step 2 - Resource Management: View and manage critical resources, such as files and projects, owned by the user.
  • Step 3 - Account Cleanup: Remove inactive or redundant accounts to tighten security.
  • Step 4 - Ownership Transfer: Facilitate the transfer of critical files and projects to maintain workflow continuity.
  • Step 5 - Suspend Directory Accounts: Temporarily suspend directory accounts, which restricts access while preserving data for potential future requirements.
  • Step 6 - Offboarding Report: Generate a comprehensive report documenting all actions taken, enhancing transparency and compliance with security protocols.

Does this sound complicated? Not anymore. You can manage all these steps easily on your Resmo account. In one place. 

4. Total Control and Flexibility

IT teams have the flexibility to turn on user provisioning from individual integration pages within their company’s Resmo accounts. This feature allows for tailored control over the provisioning process, enabling organizations to adapt the system to their specific needs and SaaS environments.

Ready to Try?

If you are ready to make your SaaS user management process as easy as 1-2-3, it’s time you give Resmo a try. Getting started with Resmo is straightforward. You can easily integrate it into your existing SaaS environment. It’s designed for user-friendly interaction, ensuring that you can begin optimizing your SaaS management without a steep learning curve.

If you still don’t have an account, start your free trial to see Resmo’s SaaS security capabilities for yourself.

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