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Best Offboarding Software Tools for IT Teams

70% of the time, intellectual property is stolen within the 90 days before an employee tells they are leaving.

Selecting the right offboarding software is crucial for any IT team. It's not just about streamlining processes; it's about ensuring security, maintaining compliance, and protecting your company's assets when an employee moves on. In this blog post, we dive into the best offboarding software tools designed specifically for IT teams. 

These tools not only simplify the complex task of managing an employee's departure but also ensure that every step of the process is handled efficiently and securely. Whether you're looking to automate workflows, manage access rights, or ensure a smooth transition, the right software can make all the difference. Let's explore the top options available to help you make an informed decision for your team's needs.

What is Offboarding Software for IT Teams?

An offboarding software for IT teams is a specialized tool designed to manage the process of removing an exiting employee's access to company resources, such as hardware, software, and data. This type of software is crucial in ensuring a secure and efficient transition when an employee leaves the company. 

Here are key aspects of what an employee offboarding software typically offers for IT teams:

  • Access Revocation: Automates the revocation of the exiting employee’s access to company systems, applications, and networks. This includes deactivating user accounts, email access, and VPN permissions.
  • Hardware and Asset Management: Manages the return of company-issued hardware like laptops, mobile devices, and other equipment. It may also include inventory tracking to ensure all assets are accounted for.
  • Data Security and Compliance: Ensures that sensitive data accessible to the employee is secured and that the offboarding process complies with legal and regulatory standards. This can include data retrieval, transfer, or deletion as appropriate.
  • Workflow Automation: Automates various offboarding tasks and integrates with other tools and systems used by the organization, reducing manual work and the potential for errors.
  • Audit and Reporting: Provides detailed logs and reports of the offboarding process, which is essential for auditing, compliance, and security purposes.
  • Collaboration with HR: Often integrates with HR systems to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive approach to the entire offboarding process, including administrative and IT-related tasks.

Top Employee Offboarding Software Tools in 2024

1. Okta

okta employee offboarding software

Best for: Automating Identity Management and Access Control

Okta is a leader in identity and access management, offering robust solutions tailored for IT teams. It streamlines the offboarding process by automating the revocation of access rights, ensuring that exiting employees are promptly and securely removed from all systems and applications. This is critical for maintaining security and compliance in an organization. Okta's platform is highly adaptable, integrating seamlessly with numerous applications and services, which makes it invaluable for IT teams managing diverse and complex IT environments.

Top Features for Offboarding:

  • Centralized de-provisioning of user accounts
  • Integration with various apps and systems
  • Automated workflows for access removal
  • Detailed audit trails for compliance

G2 Rating: 4.5

Suggested reading: Common IT Offboarding Mistakes to Avoid

2. Resmo

Resmo employee offboarding for IT teams

Best for: Real-time Monitoring and Management of SaaS Applications

Resmo is particularly effective for IT teams managing a wide range of SaaS applications. It offers real-time monitoring and management, which is crucial during the offboarding process to ensure no unauthorized access remains. By automating the detection and alerting of unusual activities in SaaS applications, Resmo helps IT teams efficiently revoke access and maintain a detailed inventory of SaaS assets. This capability not only enhances security but also aids in compliance and audit readiness.

Top Features for Offboarding:

  • Detection of unauthorized SaaS usage
  • Automated alerts for unusual activities
  • Monitoring access to SaaS apps
  • Easy revocation of SaaS app access
  • Comprehensive SaaS asset inventory
  • Assigning SaaS ownership to another employee

G2 Rating: 5.0

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3. BetterCloud


Best for: SaaS Operations Management and Automated Workflow

BetterCloud is designed to cater specifically to the needs of IT teams managing SaaS environments. It automates IT workflows, ensuring a secure and streamlined offboarding process. The platform provides comprehensive management and monitoring of SaaS applications, allowing IT teams to customize offboarding processes, enhance security compliance, and reduce the manual workload associated with revoking access across multiple SaaS platforms.

Top Features for Offboarding:

  • Automated workflows for de-provisioning
  • SaaS application monitoring and management
  • Customizable offboarding processes
  • Enhanced security compliance

G2 Rating: 4.4

4. Qandle

qandle employee offboarding software

Best for: Comprehensive HR and IT Integration

Qandle stands out for its ability to integrate HR and IT processes, making it a valuable tool for IT teams during offboarding. Its unified platform manages both HR-related and IT-specific aspects of an employee's exit, such as access rights and asset management. This integration simplifies the offboarding process for IT teams, ensuring that no steps are missed and that compliance is maintained throughout the process.

Top Features for Offboarding:

  • Integrated HR and IT offboarding workflows
  • Asset tracking and recovery
  • Customizable access revocation processes
  • Efficient user account management

Also read: How to Compliantly Onboard and Offboard Remote Employees

5. Rippling

Rippling offboarding software tool

Best for: Unified Employee Management and IT Automation

Rippling offers an all-in-one solution for employee management, including critical IT functions. It automates the offboarding process, managing user access, and company assets in a unified manner. This is particularly helpful for IT teams as it reduces the complexity and time required to manage the various aspects of offboarding, from revoking access to ensuring the return of company hardware.

Top Features for Offboarding:

  • Automated system for de-provisioning accounts
  • Hardware and software inventory management
  • Seamless integration with various platforms
  • Secure data handling and compliance

G2 Rating: 4.8

6. Citrix Workspace

Citrix offboarding software

Best for: Secure Application and Data Access Management

Citrix Workspace is ideal for IT teams focused on securing applications and data. During offboarding, it ensures comprehensive management of access rights, preventing unauthorized entry into critical systems. Its ability to remotely wipe company data from devices is particularly valuable for maintaining data security, especially in scenarios involving remote or hybrid workforces.

Top Features for Offboarding:

  • Secure and controlled access revocation
  • Comprehensive application and data management
  • Remote wipe capabilities for company data
  • Advanced security features for data protection

G2 Rating: 4.4

7. Aptien

Aptien employee offboarding tool

Best for: Organizational Management and Oversight

Aptien is a versatile tool for organizational management, offering features that are particularly beneficial for IT teams during the offboarding process. It provides a centralized system for overseeing user accounts, permissions, and company assets. This holistic view is crucial for ensuring that all IT-related aspects of offboarding are addressed, maintaining security and compliance within the organization.

Top Features for Offboarding:

  • Oversight of organizational assets and access
  • Efficient management of user accounts and permissions
  • Compliance with IT policies and procedures
  • Centralized record-keeping and documentation

8. Zapier


Best for: Automating Offboarding Workflows Across Multiple Applications

While not exclusively an offboarding tool, Zapier offers extensive automation capabilities that can be highly beneficial for IT teams during the employee offboarding process. Its strength lies in connecting and automating workflows across various applications and systems used within an organization. IT teams can use Zapier to create custom workflows that automatically revoke access, archive user data, and notify relevant departments or systems when an employee leaves. This automation significantly reduces manual tasks and potential for error, ensuring a smooth, secure, and consistent offboarding process.

Top Features for Offboarding:

  • Integration with a vast array of applications and services
  • Customizable automation workflows
  • Ability to trigger multiple actions across different platforms
  • Notifications and alerts system for task completion and verification

G2 Rating: 4.5


What is the offboarding process software?

Offboarding process software is a specialized tool designed to efficiently manage the departure of employees from an organization. It automates and streamlines tasks like access revocation, asset return, and compliance checks.

What is offboarding checklist?

An offboarding checklist is a comprehensive list of tasks and procedures to be completed when an employee leaves a company. It typically includes revoking access to systems, returning company assets, conducting exit interviews, and finalizing payroll.

What is the HR offboarding process?

The HR offboarding process involves managing the administrative and human resource aspects of an employee's departure. This includes exit interviews, paperwork for benefits and final pay, and ensuring legal compliance.

What is the automation of offboarding process?

Automation of the offboarding process refers to using software tools to streamline and standardize the steps involved in an employee's departure. This can include automated notifications, task assignments, and data archiving.

How long does the offboarding process take?

The duration of the offboarding process varies depending on company policy and the complexity of the role. It typically ranges from a few days to several weeks.

How do I create an offboarding plan?

To create an offboarding plan, define clear objectives, list all necessary tasks, assign responsibilities, and set timelines. Ensure the plan addresses all legal, operational, and HR-related aspects of employee departure.

What is the difference between offboarding and onboarding?

Onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee into an organization, while offboarding is the process of managing an employee’s exit. Onboarding focuses on orientation and training, whereas offboarding involves access revocation and asset return.

How do you offboard a terminated employee?

To offboard a terminated employee, follow a structured plan that includes revoking access to systems and company property, conducting an exit interview if appropriate, managing final payroll and benefits, and ensuring all legal and compliance procedures are followed.

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