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How to Avoid Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering might sound like a complex term, but it's a deceptively simple and dangerously effective form of manipulation. This malicious tactic is all about tricking people into giving away their valuable information, not through advanced coding or hacking, but through deceit and psychological manipulation. This strategy exploits the most vulnerable part of any security system: the human element.

98% of all cyber-attacks are attributed to social engineering.

This threat extends beyond the digital. Social engineering occurs in various situations, from an individual charming their way past a reception desk to receive unauthorized access, to a phone call where someone convincingly asks for your bank details. It represents a dangerous exploitation of human nature and psychology, rather than relying on technological hacking methods. So, how can you protect yourself from social engineering? This article will answer your question. Let’s dive in!

What is social engineering?

Social engineering is a deceptive tactic used to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information for fraudulent purposes. Unlike traditional cyber attacks that rely on breaking through digital defenses, social engineering attacks target the most vulnerable element in any security system: the human factor. These attacks are premised on the understanding that it is often easier to exploit a person's trust and emotions than to hack into a system.

The concept of social engineering goes beyond the digital, encompassing a range of techniques used in both online and offline contexts. It plays on basic human instincts, such as the desire to be helpful, the tendency to trust authority, or the fear of getting into trouble. By manipulating these instincts, attackers can gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, systems, or physical locations.

On average, social engineering attacks result in expenses of around $130,000. (social engineering stats)

Understanding social engineering is crucial for individual and organizational security. Recognizing these tactics is the first step in learning how to stop social engineering attacks, a skill that is becoming increasingly vital in a world where digital interactions are the norm.

A real-life example of social engineering

Imagine a situation in a big company where someone tricked an employee by sending an email pretending to be the company's boss – the CEO. In the email, the fake CEO told a worker in the finance department to quickly send a lot of money to a bank account. The email looked very real, using the kind of words the real CEO would use, and it said that the matter was top secret and very urgent.

Because the email seemed to come from the big boss and sounded so urgent, the employee believed it and did what the email asked, sending the money to the account. Later, they found out that it was all a trick – there was no real deal, and the email wasn't actually from the CEO. This is how the trickster used social engineering – by pretending to be someone important and creating a sense of urgency to fool the employee into sending money.

Each year, CEOs are the target of 57 specialized phishing attacks on average.

Types of social engineering attacks

When discussing how to stop social engineering attacks, it's crucial to first understand the different types that exist. Each type exploits human psychology in unique ways, and being aware of these can significantly help in preventing them. Here are the common types of social engineering attacks:

Phishing: This is perhaps the most well-known form, where attackers send fraudulent emails that seem to come from reputable sources. The goal is often to steal sensitive data like credit card numbers or login information. See phishing attack types.

Spear Phishing: Similar to phishing, but more targeted. The attacker has done their homework and sends a personalized message to a specific individual, making it seem more legitimate.

Vishing (Voice Phishing): This technique involves phone calls instead of emails. The attacker might pretend to be from a bank, a government agency, or a tech support service to extract personal information or financial details.

Pretexting: Here, the attacker creates a fabricated scenario or pretext to steal their victim's personal information. They might pose as a coworker, a police officer, or someone in a position of authority to justify their inquiries.

Baiting: Similar to phishing, baiting involves offering something enticing to the victim in exchange for private data. This could be in the form of a free download that requires entering personal information.

Quid Pro Quo: Similar to baiting, but here, a service or benefit is offered in exchange for information. For example, an attacker might offer free IT assistance in return for login credentials.

Tailgating or Piggybacking: This is more physical than digital. An attacker seeks unauthorized access to restricted areas by following someone who has legitimate access. For instance, they might enter a secure building closely behind an employee.

Understanding these types of social engineering attacks is key to developing strategies on how to prevent social engineering. By recognizing these tactics, individuals and organizations can put in place measures to shield themselves from these deceptive practices.

How to avoid social engineering attacks

1. Be skeptical of unsolicited requests

be skeptical about social engineering

Social engineering attacks often begin with an unsolicited request. It's vital to maintain a healthy level of skepticism when you receive unexpected emails, calls, or messages, especially if they ask for personal information or immediate action. Attackers rely on the element of surprise to catch you off guard.

Action Steps

  • Always take a moment to think before you act on any unexpected requests.
  • Verify the legitimacy of the message. For example, if you get an email from your bank asking for sensitive information, don't click any links in the email. Instead, go to the bank's official website or contact them directly through known, trusted channels.

2. Verify the source

verify the source to avoid social engineering attack

A key strategy in preventing social engineering is to verify the source of any request for information. This involves double-checking whether the person or entity contacting you is who they claim to be.

Action Steps

  • If you receive an email or call that seems to be from a known contact but requests sensitive information, reach out to that contact through a separate, established communication channel to confirm their request.
  • Look for signs of legitimacy in emails, such as official email addresses, and be wary of any discrepancies.

3. Educate yourself and others

educate people about social engineering to prevent it

One of the most effective ways to prevent social engineering is through education. Understanding the types of social engineering attacks and their signs empowers you and those around you to recognize and avoid them.

Action Steps

  • Regularly update yourself on the latest social engineering tactics.
  • For businesses, implement ongoing training programs for employees to recognize and respond appropriately to social engineering attempts.

4. Use strong, unique passwords

use strong passwords to prevent social engineering

The First Line of Digital Defense

Strong and unique passwords act as a fundamental barrier against many types of social engineering attacks, particularly those that aim to gain access to your accounts.

Action Steps

  • Use a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters in your passwords.
  • Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts. Consider using a password manager to keep track of different passwords securely.

5. Is this realistic? Question the plausibility of requests

prevent social engineeing attacks

Applying Critical Thinking to Identify Red Flags

Social engineering thrives on creating scenarios that prompt immediate, emotional reactions. By taking a moment to critically assess the situation, you can often spot inconsistencies or implausibilities that signal a social engineering attempt.

Examples to Consider

  • If a friend claims to be stranded in a foreign country and urgently requests money via email, pause and think: Is this their usual way of communicating in emergencies? Wouldn't a call or text be more likely? Reach out to them through a different method to verify their story.
  • The classic example of an email claiming you've inherited a fortune from a distant relative or a foreign dignitary like a Nigerian prince should immediately raise suspicions. Such scenarios, while appealing, are highly unrealistic and are common ploys in phishing attempts.
  • Banks and other financial institutions have protocols about how they communicate with customers. If you receive a call or email asking for sensitive information like account details, it's a red flag. Remember, banks usually don't ask for your account details over the phone or email. Always verify by contacting the bank directly through official channels.

Action Steps

  • Always question the likelihood of the scenario presented to you, especially if it involves transferring money, sharing sensitive information, or urgent action.
  • Cross-verify the information by contacting the person or organization through a separate, trusted method.
  • Familiarize yourself with common tactics used in social engineering to better recognize them in the future.

6. Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA)

enable mfa

Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, making it much harder for attackers to gain access to your accounts even if they have your password.

Action Steps

  • Enable MFA on all accounts that offer it, especially on critical accounts like email, banking, and social media.
  • Use a combination of factors like something you know (a password), something you have (a phone or security token), and something you are (biometric verification).
  • Implementing these strategies is crucial in how to prevent social engineering. By being vigilant, verifying sources, educating yourself and others, using strong passwords, and enabling multi-factor authentication, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to these attacks.

7. Be cautious with personal information on social media

be cautious about social engineering attaks

Minimizing Exposure

Social engineers often gather information from social media profiles to create targeted attacks like spear phishing. Being cautious about what you share online can reduce this risk.

Action Steps

  • Think twice before sharing personal details like your birthdate, address, or information about your workplace on social media.
  • Adjust your privacy settings to limit who can see your posts and personal information.

8. Develop and enforce organizational policies

security policies

Creating a Secure Environment in Workplaces

For businesses, having clear policies and procedures on handling sensitive information is crucial in preventing social engineering attacks.

Action Steps

  • Develop clear guidelines for verifying identities and handling sensitive data.
  • Regularly review and update these policies to adapt to new social engineering tactics.

9. Foster a culture of security

foster security culture

Creating a culture where everyone is aware of and committed to security can significantly reduce the risk of social engineering attacks in an organization.

Action Steps

  • Encourage employees to report suspicious activities or requests.
  • Reward vigilant behavior and create an environment where employees feel comfortable asking questions about security concerns.


The key takeaway? Always remain vigilant and question the legitimacy of unexpected requests for information. Whether it’s a:

  • suspicious email
  • questionable phone call
  • unusual request in person

Taking a moment to pause and think critically can make all the difference. Educating yourself and others about these tactics is also crucial. Awareness is your strongest ally in this fight.

Remember, the battle against social engineering is continuous. As attackers adapt, so must we. Keep your software updated, your passwords strong and varied, and consider using multi-factor authentication for an added layer of security.

Bonus tip: Leverage Resmo for SaaS identity, access, and password security in your company so that you can catch any suspicious activity in time. 

You can try it for free.

Social Engineering FAQ

How is social engineering prevented?

Social engineering is prevented through education and awareness, vigilant verification of information sources, using strong, unique passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, and maintaining updated security on software and systems.

What is the best defense against social engineering attacks?

The best defense against social engineering attacks is a combination of awareness and education, critical thinking, and implementing strong security practices like using unique passwords and enabling multi-factor authentication.

Which best practices can help defend against social engineering attacks?

To defend against social engineering attacks, best practices include:

  • Education and Awareness: Regular training on recognizing and responding to social engineering tactics.
  • Critical Thinking: Always questioning and verifying the legitimacy of unexpected requests.
  • Strong Passwords: Using unique, complex passwords for different accounts.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Adding an extra layer of security to your accounts.
  • Updated Security Measures: Regularly updating software and systems with the latest security patches.
  • Secure Information Sharing: Being cautious about the amount and type of information shared online, especially on social media.
  • Organizational Policies: Implementing and enforcing clear guidelines for handling sensitive information in the workplace.

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