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New Partnership: Resmo + New Relic

We're proud to announce that Resmo and New Relic have partnered to create the ultimate performance management solution for our mutual users!

By combining Resmo's advanced cybersecurity attack surface management platform with New Relic's comprehensive observability features, customers can now enjoy a range of benefits that include enhanced cybersecurity posture and optimized operations.

This partnership offers a streamlined solution for asset monitoring and real-time alert notifications, empowering New Relic users to stay ahead of changes and bolster their cybersecurity hygiene. With Resmo, customers can simplify the asset monitoring process while gaining unprecedented insights into their systems' performance.

New Relic

New Relic is a leading observability and performance management platform that helps organizations monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize their systems. With its comprehensive suite of tools, New Relic offers users unparalleled visibility into their infrastructure, applications, and customer experience. New Relic's observability platform provides real-time insights into complex systems, enabling users to identify and resolve issues before they impact customers. With its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities, New Relic has become a go-to solution for organizations looking to improve their performance.

Resmo and New Relic - Better Together

As Resmo's cybersecurity attack surface management platform offers advanced security features that enable organizations to monitor their systems for vulnerabilities and threats. By integrating with New Relic's observability features, Resmo's security capabilities become even more powerful. Customers can now benefit from a comprehensive security solution that provides real-time monitoring, alerting and remediation recommendations.

Moreover, with Resmo's advanced monitoring capabilities and New Relic's comprehensive observability features, customers can gain unparalleled insights into their systems' performance and optimize their operations like never before.


  • Resmo provides full visibility into New Relic assets with a single solution for monitoring and gathering information
  • Users can easily access and manage various assets, such as dashboards, accounts, alert policies, and API keys, through Resmo's streamlined interface
  • Customizable rules managed through Resmo ensure continuous assessment of New Relic resources
  • Real-time notifications based on unique configurations can be seamlessly set up through Resmo, allowing users to stay on top of any changes in their systems
  • Resmo simplifies the process of managing New Relic resources, giving users full control over their assets
  • Customizable rules and real-time notifications enable users to take their performance management to the next level
New Relic on the Integrations Dashboard

‍Available Resources

  • Account
  • Alert policy
  • API Key
  • Browser Application
  • Dashboard
  • Device Configuration
  • Infrastructure Host
  • Mobile Application
  • Muting Rule
  • Notification Channel
  • Synthetic Monitor
  • User
  • Workload

Possible Queries and Rules

  • Widget queries must belong to configured accounts
  • Alert policy must have a condition
  • Notification channels must be associated with an alert policy
  • Dashboard page must have at least one widget
  • Dashboards must belong to configured accounts
  • Dashboard must not have public read-write permission
  • Alert policy must have a notification channel
  • Dashboard widget must have at least one query
New Relic Rules Page
  • Dashboards pages with empty widgets
  • Alert policies without conditions
  • Dashboards that doesn’t belong to integrated NewRelic accounts
  • Notification channels that are not associated with an alert policy
  • Dashboards with public read write permission
  • Dashboard widgets with empty queries
  • Alert policies without notification channels
  • Queries that doesn’t belong to integrated NewRelic accounts
  • API keys per type
  • Users with devices configuration
  • Users with dashboards
  • Users with pages
  • Devices by OS and app version
  • Active muting rules
  • Notification channels by type
  • Alert policies by incident preferences
  • API keys per type
  • Query count per dashboard
  • Widget count per dashboard
  • Notification channels per type

How to Get Started‍

Embarking on a new journey with Resmo and New Relic is easy! You can get started by following the simple steps outlined below or head straight to our documentation page for more detailed instructions.

  1. First, sign up for a Resmo account or log in to your existing account. Once you've logged in, visit our Integrations page and select New Relic. Give your integration a name and provide an optional description to make it easier to identify later on.
  1. Next, navigate to your New Relic account and open the API Keys page. Create a new API key, and then copy and paste it into Resmo's New Relic integration screen's API key field.
  1. Before you hit the create button, be sure to select the region that suits your business needs from the dropdown menu. New Relic has two regions, USA or EU, to choose from.
  1. With everything in place, click the "Create" button, and you're all set to start running queries!

This streamlined process allows you to spend less time on the setup and more time maximizing the benefits of your Resmo + New Relic integration.

Last Words

If you're looking to enhance your cybersecurity posture while optimizing your development performance to gain a competitive edge, now is the time to get started. With a comprehensive observability and performance management solution like New Relic and Resmo, you can stay ahead of the game and take your performance to the next level. Don't wait any longer to leverage the benefits of this powerful integration – let's get started today!

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