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Kubernetes Security: 11 Best Practices for Secure Clusters

Picture this: your cloud applications are humming along smoothly, your Kubernetes clusters are orchestrating like a well-rehearsed symphony, and you're feeling on top of the world. That is until a cybercriminal waltzes in and wreaks havoc on your carefully orchestrated ecosystem. Kubernetes security matters, and in today's world of ever-evolving threats, it's more important than ever.

Fear not, for we're here to equip you with the knowledge and best practices to keep your Kubernetes environment secure and your applications thriving. Whether you're a cloud security professional or a member of a SaaS company, let's dive into the vast ocean of Kubernetes security and uncover the key Kubernetes security best practices.

Based on a report by Splunk, an all-time high of 96% of organizations are currently utilizing or considering Kubernetes, which is a significant rise compared to 83% in 2020 and 78% in 2019. (See more of trending cloud stats.)

Kubernetes security best practices you should follow

1. Strengthen Node Security

Nodes are the fundamental building blocks of a Kubernetes cluster, and securing them is crucial to maintain the overall health and security of your environment. Implement the following node security best practices to help fortify your infrastructure:

a. Secure Node Communication:

Ensure secure communication between nodes and the Kubernetes control plane by enabling TLS for all API traffic. This helps protect sensitive information from eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

b. Keep Node Software Up-to-Date:

Regularly update your node operating system, Kubernetes components, and any installed packages to address security vulnerabilities and maintain a secure environment. Make sure to monitor security advisories and apply patches promptly.

c. Limit SSH Access:

Restrict SSH access to your nodes to a limited set of trusted administrators, and use strong authentication methods, such as public key authentication, to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access. Additionally, consider using a bastion host or a jump server for remote access.

Kubernetes architecture

d. Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Kubelet:

Kubelet is the primary node agent responsible for managing containers on each node. Configure RBAC for Kubelet to limit its access to the API server and prevent unauthorized control of the node.

e. Harden Node Configuration:

Harden your node configuration to reduce its attack surface. Disable unnecessary services, remove unused packages and ensure proper permissions on system files. Employ security benchmarks, such as the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark, to guide your hardening efforts.

f. Monitor Node Activity:

Regularly monitor node logs, system metrics, and process activity to detect anomalies and potential security incidents. Leverage monitoring tools and services to automate the process and enable timely detection and response.

g. Employ Network Segmentation:

Segment your network to isolate nodes and workloads based on their functions and security requirements. Network segmentation helps contain threats, minimize attack surfaces, and enforce least-privilege access between cluster components.

2. Safeguard Kubernetes API Security

The Kubernetes API server acts as the central point of control and management for your cluster. It is responsible for processing API requests and ensuring the desired state of your cluster is maintained. Given its critical role, it's essential to secure the API server to protect your Kubernetes environment. Implement the following best practices to enhance the security of your API:

a. Enable TLS for API Communication:

Ensure all communication with the API server is encrypted using TLS. This helps protect sensitive information from eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks. Make certain that your certificates are valid, and consider using an internal certificate authority (CA) to manage your cluster certificates.

b. Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Authentication:

Use RBAC to define granular permissions for users, service accounts, and applications interacting with the API server. Follow the principle of least privilege and grant only the minimum required permissions. Additionally, enforce strong authentication mechanisms, such as client certificate authentication or OIDC-based authentication, to validate the identity of API clients.

c. Enable API Audit Logging:

Activate audit logging for the API server to record a chronological record of all API requests and responses. This helps you monitor API activity, detect unauthorized access, and investigate security incidents. Regularly review audit logs and consider using log analysis tools for efficient processing and alerting.

d. Configure API Server Security Settings:

Secure your API server by applying appropriate security settings. Enable features such as admission controllers (e.g., PodSecurityPolicy, ImagePolicyWebhook) to enforce security policies and validate requests. Limit the API server's exposure by disabling insecure ports and using a private IP address for internal communication.

e. Implement API Rate Limiting:

Configure rate limiting for the API server to protect against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks or excessive resource consumption. By limiting the number of API requests per client, you can prevent potential abuse and ensure the stability of your cluster.

f. Regularly Monitor API Server Metrics:

Monitor API server metrics to detect performance issues, resource bottlenecks, and potential security threats. Use monitoring tools and set up alerts to notify you of abnormal behavior or security events in real-time.

3. Configure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a critical security feature in Kubernetes that allows you to manage access to your cluster's resources based on the roles of individual users, groups, or service accounts. By implementing RBAC, you can follow the principle of least privilege and ensure that users and applications have the minimum level of access necessary to perform their tasks. Here's a detailed look at how to configure RBAC in your Kubernetes environment:

Kubernetes RBAC

a. Understand Kubernetes RBAC Components:

RBAC in Kubernetes is composed of four main components:

Roles: Define a set of rules that grant permissions to perform specific operations on resources within a namespace.

ClusterRoles: Similar to Roles, but grant permissions across the entire cluster, rather than being limited to a specific namespace.

RoleBindings: Connect Roles with subjects (users, groups, or service accounts) within a namespace, effectively granting them the permissions defined in the Role.

ClusterRoleBindings: Connect ClusterRoles with subjects, granting them the permissions defined in the ClusterRole across the entire cluster.

b. Define Roles and ClusterRoles:

Begin by defining Roles or ClusterRoles based on the access requirements for each user, group, or service account in your environment. Use the kind: Role or kind: ClusterRole resource type in your YAML manifest and specify the desired API groups, resources, and verbs (actions) that should be allowed.

For example, to create a Role that grants read-only access to Pods within a specific namespace, your YAML manifest would look like this:

kind: Role
  name: pod-reader
  namespace: my-namespace
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods"]
  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]

c. Create RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings:

Once you've defined your Roles and ClusterRoles, create RoleBindings or ClusterRoleBindings to associate them with the appropriate subjects. Use the kind: RoleBinding or kind: ClusterRoleBinding resource type in your YAML manifest and specify the Role or ClusterRole reference, along with the subject details.

For example, to bind the pod-reader Role created earlier to a user named jane, your YAML manifest would look like this:

kind: RoleBinding
  name: read-pods
  namespace: my-namespace
- kind: User
  name: jane
  kind: Role
  name: pod-reader

d. Apply and Manage RBAC Policies:

Apply your RBAC policies using kubectl apply -f <manifest.yaml> and verify the permissions using commands like kubectl auth can-i <verb> <resource>. Regularly review and update your RBAC policies to ensure they align with your organization's security requirements and user roles. Make use of tools like Kubernetes Dashboard or K9s for easier management and visualization of your RBAC policies.

4. Employ Network Policies

Network policies in Kubernetes help you control the traffic between pods and cluster components. By defining ingress and egress rules, you can effectively segment your applications, reduce the attack surface, and prevent unauthorized access. Don't forget to test your network policies periodically to ensure they remain effective.

5. Keep Your Kubernetes Components Up-to-Date

Regularly updating your Kubernetes components, such as the control plane, worker nodes, and container runtime, is crucial for maintaining a secure environment. Updates often include security patches and vulnerability fixes that help safeguard your applications against emerging threats.

6. Enable Security Contexts and Pod Security Policies (PSP)

Security contexts and PSPs in Kubernetes allow you to set granular security configurations for your containers and pods. These configurations can include restricting container capabilities, disallowing privileged containers, and enforcing read-only file systems. By employing security contexts and PSPs, you can mitigate potential security risks and ensure a secure runtime environment.

7. Monitor and Audit Logs

Monitoring and auditing logs from your Kubernetes components, such as the API server, etcd, and kubelet, can provide valuable insights into your cluster's security posture. Regularly reviewing logs enables you to detect suspicious activity, identify security incidents, and respond to potential threats promptly. Consider using log management tools and services for efficient log analysis and alerting.

8. Encrypt Secrets and Sensitive Data

Securing sensitive data is a top priority for any organization. Kubernetes Secrets provide a mechanism to store sensitive information, such as credentials and API keys. Make sure to enable encryption at rest for your Secrets, and restrict access to them using RBAC. Additionally, consider using external secret management solutions for enhanced security.

9. Utilize Container Security Best Practices

Container security is an integral part of Kubernetes security. Follow best practices for building secure container images, such as using minimal base images, removing unnecessary tools, and scanning images for vulnerabilities. Implementing runtime security measures, such as resource quotas and limits, can further enhance the security of your containers.

10. Embrace Deploy-Time Security in Kubernetes

Deploy-time security focuses on ensuring the safety and integrity of your applications and configurations as they are deployed to your Kubernetes environment. By implementing robust deploy-time security measures, you can minimize the risk of introducing vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that could lead to security incidents. Consider the following best practices to bolster your deploy-time security in Kubernetes:

a. Validate Configurations and Manifests:

Before deploying your applications, validate the configurations and manifests to ensure they adhere to your organization's security policies and best practices. Use tools such as Kubeval, Kustomize, or OPA (Open Policy Agent) to automate the validation process and catch potential issues before they make it into your cluster.

b. Employ Admission Controllers:

Admission controllers are crucial components of the Kubernetes API server that intercept and process requests before they reach the etcd datastore. Use built-in admission controllers, such as PodSecurityPolicy, ResourceQuota, and ImagePolicyWebhook, to enforce security policies and validate resources during the deployment process.

c. Implement GitOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipelines:

Embrace GitOps methodologies and CI/CD pipelines to streamline and secure your application deployment process. Using GitOps, you can store your cluster configuration and application manifests in a version-controlled repository, enabling better change tracking and auditability. CI/CD pipelines help automate the build, test, and deployment processes while ensuring that security checks are integrated throughout the lifecycle.

d. Scan Container Images for Vulnerabilities:

Integrate container image scanning into your CI/CD pipeline to identify and address security vulnerabilities before deploying your applications. Use tools like Trivy, Clair, or Snyk to automate vulnerability scanning and flag images that don't meet your organization's security requirements.

e. Enforce Image Signing and Verification:

To ensure the integrity and provenance of your container images, implement image signing and verification using tools like Docker Content Trust, Notary, or Cosign. By verifying the signature of an image before deployment, you can confirm its origin and authenticity, reducing the risk of deploying tampered or malicious images.

11. Automate Kubernetes asset security checks

Kubernetes security with Resmo

Automating asset security checks is a vital part of maintaining a secure Kubernetes environment. Resmo, a comprehensive cyber asset security solution, enables organizations to minimize attack surfaces and manage their cloud and SaaS resources more effectively. With Resmo, you can automate the process of monitoring, tracking, and addressing vulnerabilities in your Kubernetes assets. Here's how Resmo can help you secure your Kubernetes environment:

a. Centralized Asset Management:

Resmo collects all your cyber assets in one place, providing a unified view of your Kubernetes resources, along with your cloud and SaaS assets. This centralized approach helps you identify, manage, and monitor your assets more efficiently, ensuring that no resource goes unsecured or unmonitored.

b. Continuous Monitoring and Tracking:

Resmo continuously monitors your Kubernetes environment for changes and vulnerabilities, allowing you to stay informed about the security posture of your assets. By tracking changes and identifying potential issues, you can address vulnerabilities before they become exploitable by malicious actors.

c. Real-time Notifications and Alerts:

With Resmo, you can configure real-time notifications and alerts to stay informed about critical security events, such as newly discovered vulnerabilities or configuration changes. By receiving timely notifications, you can respond to security incidents more effectively and proactively mitigate risks.

Find and secure your Kubernetes vulnerabilities in minutes.

Common Kubernetes security issues to avoid

Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, but its widespread adoption also brings security challenges. The main Kubernetes security issues can be broadly categorized into the following areas:

Kubernetes security issues

1. Misconfigurations

Improperly configured Kubernetes clusters and components can inadvertently expose sensitive information, grant excessive privileges, or leave critical resources unprotected. Common misconfigurations include the use of default or weak credentials, open insecure ports, and overly permissive RBAC policies.

2. Insecure Communications

Unencrypted or poorly protected communication between Kubernetes components, nodes, and external clients can lead to data leaks and man-in-the-middle attacks. Ensuring that all communication uses TLS and proper authentication is vital for maintaining a secure environment.

3. Vulnerabilities in Container Images

Container images with outdated software, known vulnerabilities, or insecure configurations can introduce risks to your Kubernetes environment. Scanning container images for vulnerabilities and adhering to container security best practices help mitigate these risks.

4. Insufficient Access Control

Failure to implement proper access control mechanisms, such as RBAC and network policies, can lead to unauthorized access to cluster resources, data breaches, and privilege escalation. Following the principle of least privilege and segmenting your network are crucial steps in securing your Kubernetes environment.

5. Weak API Server Security

The Kubernetes API server is a primary target for attackers due to its central role in managing the cluster. Insecure API servers can be exploited to gain unauthorized access, modify cluster configurations, or disrupt cluster operations. Securing the API server with strong authentication, RBAC, and admission controllers is essential for maintaining a robust environment.

6. Unprotected Secrets and Sensitive Data

Inadequate protection of sensitive data, such as credentials, API keys, and certificates, can lead to data breaches and unauthorized access. Using Kubernetes Secrets with encryption at rest and proper access controls, or employing external secret management solutions, can help protect sensitive information.

7. Lack of Runtime Security

Insufficient runtime security measures can expose your applications and environment to threats such as resource exhaustion, container breakouts, and malicious activity. Implementing security context, pod security policies, and monitoring runtime activity are vital for maintaining a secure environment during runtime.

8. Inadequate Logging and Monitoring

Without proper logging and monitoring, detecting security incidents and anomalies in your Kubernetes environment can be challenging. Regularly reviewing logs, monitoring system metrics, and setting up alerts are essential for detecting and responding to potential threats.

Kubernetes security FAQ

What are the 4 C's of Kubernetes security?

The 4 C's of Kubernetes security is a model that provides a holistic approach to securing your Kubernetes environment by addressing security concerns across different layers of the stack. The 4 C's include code, container, cluster, and cloud.


The first layer of security is the application code itself. Ensure that your code is secure by following secure coding practices, performing regular code reviews, and employing static and dynamic code analysis tools. Additionally, make use of vulnerability scanning tools to identify and remediate security issues in your application dependencies and libraries.


Container security involves protecting the container images and their runtime environment. Use minimal and verified base images, scan images for vulnerabilities, and sign your images to maintain their integrity. Apply runtime security measures, such as implementing security context, using read-only file systems, and limiting resource consumption to prevent exploits and container breakouts.


The cluster layer involves securing the Kubernetes components, such as the control plane, etcd datastore, and worker nodes. Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for fine-grained access control, enforce network policies for traffic segmentation, and use admission controllers to enforce security policies. Secure communication between cluster components with TLS, and ensure proper configuration of all components to avoid misconfigurations.

Cloud (or Data Center):

The final layer involves securing the underlying infrastructure hosting your Kubernetes cluster, whether it's a public cloud provider or an on-premises data center. Follow the security best practices and recommendations provided by your infrastructure provider, such as using Identity and Access Management (IAM) for user authentication, encrypting data at rest and in transit, and implementing network segmentation. Additionally, monitor and audit infrastructure access, and employ logging and monitoring solutions to detect and respond to security incidents.

What are the vulnerabilities of Kubernetes?

Kubernetes vulnerabilities typically arise from misconfigurations, insecure communication, weak access controls, and the use of outdated or insecure container images. Some common vulnerabilities include misconfigurations, weak access control, and vulnerable container images.

Misconfigurations: Improperly configured components or resources can expose sensitive data, grant excessive privileges, or leave resources unprotected.

Insecure Communications: Unencrypted or poorly protected communication between components, nodes, and clients can result in data leaks and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Weak Access Control: Insufficient access controls can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and privilege escalation.

Vulnerable Container Images: Outdated or insecure container images may contain known vulnerabilities or malware, which can compromise the environment.

To mitigate these vulnerabilities, follow Kubernetes security best practices, such as configuring RBAC, implementing network policies, encrypting communications, and using verified container images.

Also read: Amazon S3 Misconfigurations to Avoid

Does Kubernetes need a firewall?

While Kubernetes itself does not explicitly require a firewall, implementing a firewall or network security measures around your Kubernetes environment is essential for protecting your cluster from external threats and limiting the attack surface.

A firewall can help you control incoming and outgoing network traffic, restrict access to specific ports and services, and mitigate potential attacks from malicious actors.

Are Kubernetes secrets safe?

Kubernetes Secrets is a built-in mechanism for storing sensitive information, such as passwords, API keys, and certificates, separate from the application code and configuration files. While Kubernetes Secrets provide some level of safety, they are not entirely secure by default and have certain limitations.

Are Kubernetes containers secure?

Kubernetes containers can be secure, but their security depends on the implementation of best practices and the use of appropriate security measures. By default, containers do not provide complete isolation between workloads, and vulnerabilities in container images or misconfigurations can compromise your environment.

Let’s wrap it up

In conclusion, securing your Kubernetes environment is an ongoing process that requires constant attention, diligence, and adaptation. By following best practices and staying informed about the latest threats and vulnerabilities, you can create a more robust and secure infrastructure for your applications. Remember, security is a shared responsibility, and we all play a part in keeping our systems safe. 

You can automate your Kubernetes security checks with Resmo. Try it out for free.

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